Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

Google Adsense Tips Tricks and Secrets

I have read a few forums and blogs Google Adsense consultants in recent times, and I thought it would be useful to consolidate as much as possible, a place without the comments. I also threw in some advice of my own. We begin with a few generals and essential things move on specific issues later.

Build an Empire?

If you choose a Web site Publisher, you fall into one of two broad categories:
* 100 websites that publish deserve every $ 1 per day * 1 victory
* Publish one website that earns $100 a day profit
The reality is that most people at the end somewhere between the two. After 100 websites allows you to the conservation, management and content aspects. After a website allows you to publish all kinds of variations (the algorithm of search engines, market trends, etc.). You can order your plan on track, but you have an easier if you start to go in the direction you want to finish.

General or Niche

You can your site around general themes or place. General spot websites work better with adsense. First, the ad-targeting is much better. Secondly, as you have a home close your contributions, of course, more and more experts in nature. I hope you’ve done more authority in their field.
If this is your first attempt in building a site AdSense is available, it something you enjoy. It is, the process is much easier and less painful to do. However, you should check that your question has enough of an ad-inventory and payment is made at a level they are comfortable. You can love of medieval folk dancing, but the pool of advertisers for the topic is very small (indeed, is currently itb zero).
Once the you ‘ve that it depends on how Adsense on a Web site that you want to Dabble in some high paying keywords, you can even be tempted to buy, pay a large list of words Key. This means come with certain dangers. Firstly, the level of fraud is much higher, the great money. Secondly, there is a distortion of demand in relation to these conditions. Everyone wants ads on their website, $ 35 or more, a simple click, but the number of advertisers who are willing to pay more is also quite limited. In addition, competition for the volume of traffic is rigid. So don’t try, with the big dogs, if you can’ t. If you ask if you’ re a large dog, then the chances of you’re not. I have a high level of the dollar compared cashkeywords.com keywords and was satisfied with my results (see keywords cash, free quote Special).

New Sites, Files and Maintenance

If you’re construction of a new website don’t put on AdSense to it’s done. Indeed, I’d go further and say don’ t put AdSense on it, until you have ties arrival and has launched more traffic. If you have a website with “lorem ipsum” fake or reserved the place of text, your AdSense ads are certainly be off topic. This is often the case for new files on websites, especially if the subject new or different. There may be days or weeks for google’s media Bot return to your site and you make the ads in a targeted manner.
Tip: If you start always a lot of traffic from a variety of IP’s you at the speed of this process dramatically.
I want my sides by the files included. I the header and footer and navigation in files. It makes it much easier to maintain and manage. I would like my AdSense in the files included. If I want / should change my AdSense, it’s only, I have a file on the workplace.
Tip: I also programming AdSense or turning off. I can be a change in global variable to “true” or “false” and in my AdSense ads appear or disappear.

Managing URL’s and channels

Adsense-channel is an area where it’s really easy to go overboard with stats. You can URL channels compare, as does one site to another. You can also set up sub-channels for each URL. If you wanted to do something channels as follows:
  • domain1.com – 728 banner
  • domain1.com – 336 block
  • domain1.com – text link
  • domain2.com – 728 banner
  • domain2.com – image banner
  • domain2.com – 336 block
  • domain3.com – 300 block
It is certainly wonderful for testing and clicks to find out where and why it makes your report a little chancelantes. Their number is always true, but if one takes into account your relationship with a channel to break things, several times, and not necessarily good as a whole. Power of thing quite confused, to decide whether you really need / want this level of detail reports.
Tip: at least, you want to know what the URL is generating income, you’ll be sure that the different channels of URLs.

Site Design and Integration

Once you know you are going on AdSense on your site you? ? ? re will have to consider, where he. If this new site is it’s easier if it’s an existing website it’s more difficult. Admittedly, there are some people able to do so, in most cases, I’ d say if you’re Slap AdSense on you’ll at the end frankensite a monster (Tedster Instruments WMW for the keyword). While each site is different, Google has few cards heat optimal sites. No wonder that the best seats are in the middle of the page and left. Now, I’ve really well done, by clicking on the right side, but you should know why you’ re-do it this way before hand and be ready to change when he doesn’ t control.
Google has also has published a list of the highest performing ad sizes:
  • 336×280 large rectangle
  • 300×250 inline rectangle
  • 160×600 wide skyscraper
Among the pages that I run, I’m really good with the rectangle of 336 and 160 skyscrapers. My next performed better ad-728 is the size classification, I don’t really use the 300 line rectangle too often. So really, it depends on how you incorporate into your website. Stage can be a dramatic influence on performance.
Tip: To work on a new location or new layout can be obtained from each site, it’s own channel for a little while to understand the behaviour of users.

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